Recently, with my cat sitting business just getting busier and busier, I found myself reflecting on what, or who started it all. Her name was Omi. Omi was a beautiful senior calico I rescued out of a crappy situation in April 2022. I ended up giving her to a dear family friend where I knew she would be well looked after, loved and be queen of her castle! Fortunately for me I got to see her lots - when her owner would go away regularly, and then when she was diagnosed with mammary cancer in August 2022 as a result of never being spayed, and I became her nurse and caretaker (I'll save this for another post). While things did not stay rosy for too long - I helped her cross the rainbow bridge in late September 2022 - I realized while I was looking after her everyday, how much I liked cat sitting. It isn't just about getting to snuggle cats all day, but it's about being able to make a difference and enrich their lives. It is certainly my therapy, and for that, I love it!